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I take so many photographs to share with you all in blog land but I often don’t find the time to get here.  Sorting my files, I came across these pictures of the biscuits my son & I made for my mother on mothers day &, although it was a couple of weeks ago, they are too cute not to share.

My mothers greatest love (yes above her children) is her West Highland Terrier so when I spotted the cutter in my boys playdough equipment I had a light bulb moment … afternoon tea.  What else do you do for an 84 year old?

I made them with Gingerbread…

Ready For the Oven


The eyes are chocolate dots

And, since it is Feijoa season. I also made a feijoa loaf from the recipe here. It’s so easy & everybody in my family loves it.

Measuring the Feijoa Pulp


Feijoa Loaf .. so good it can be eaten on its own without butter

I made the same recipe into a cake with lemon icing for a school fund raiser last week:

Are you drooling ?

It’s been the best season for our feijoas this year.  Less of them perhaps but soooo big:

We've had many a similar size

We’ve sold a lot of bags at our gate along with apples & a few figs & grapes. The grapes came to an abrupt end, as they do every year, when the wasps smell them.  They descend in packs & devour them all within a week  :(

2 Responses to “Scottie Dog Biscuits for Mothers Day”

  1. stoney acres stoney acres says:

    It’s feijoa season again & I came back to find the loaf recipe here. Sadly the site has gone & even the ‘way back machine’ can’t retreive the page :( So disappointing as this was a great recipe. On the hunt for another…

  2. […] I just have to share with you my cute little Mini Feijoa loaves I made this […]

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